Monday, May 16, 2016

Full Immersion 9

1412 Wrote:Search classes for Gentleman, Gun'sbraster, Zaubermancer, and Steampunk.
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:
1412 Wrote: Search classes for Steampunk Gentleman.
Curris Wrote:Search for Xanatos Gambiteer, Conspiracy Theorist, Eldritch Summoner, Timespace Warper. I figure him for being a paranoid teleporter.
1412 Wrote:You're right. This one needs to happen.
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Riftblader( A mobile class able to travel between the rift of space), Runeblader, Alchemist, Soul Reaver(Uses souls as a resource in which you imbue them into your weapon), Cleric, Bard, Astral Mage ( High powered Mage that controls the substance of space aka astral cause its cooler :shades: ), Druid, Warlock, Light Knight( Manipulating light as a weapon), Sealcaster ( clarification stores seals of magic and opens them later in combat.)
Kíeros Wrote:> Laugh about needing a class and never get around to doing it.
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Or that :P

He remains there for a moment or so, eyes glazed over, before finally shaking his head back and forth, his hair swishing around and his ears flopping for a few seconds as he mentally shakes himself out of the stunned state.

"Okay.." he takes a deep breath, and lets it go. "Okay, so this is just--it's just, like an RPG, right? So, this message says I'm supposed to pick a class.."

He pokes the Class: NULL panel and the search engine appears. "Whoa..I was expecting just a little list. So I guess I'm supposed to, like, be creative? Let's see what I can come up with..." He scratches his head, and then begins typing away.

Gentleman: 2 results found.

Diplomatic Noble:
Useless in battle. Need I say more?

Inspirational Noble:
What good is a prince if there's no army to lead? The answer is none. None at all.


Steampunk: 2 results found.

Yes, that little steam-driven spider looked very impressive up until the moment where it got stepped on.

Your tools are moderately less effective and only slightly more reliable than those of a Gunner, but considerbly more varied--which means about half of them will never be useful in the least.

"Okay, what the h*** is up with these descriptions? I've literally never played this game before, and they expect me to pick a class based on some other snarky b******'s comments? Well what about this then?"

Zaubermancer: 2 results found.

You probably thought you wouldn't get any results from banging randomly on the keyboard. Well, lucky you then!

Not as resilient as a proper Fighter; not as skilled as a proper Swordsman; not as powerful as a proper Mage.

"That's weird..I wouldn't expect someone who hasn't played Barkley to have any idea what that meant. I guess putting the actual class in would've been pretty stupid, I mean, how many alien octoroons are there? None? Probably none."

Gun'sbraster: 2 results found.

For those who enjoy obsessively maintaining their equipment, only for it to still fail at a critical moment.

I hope you're not terribly fond of having all of your extremities.

Steampunk Gentleman: 1 result found.

Tech Noble:
And you thought those gadgets and constructs were unreliable when you were the one building them!

Xanatos Gambiteer: 1 result found.

The only class that gained power when efforts were made to rebalance the system. Those changes have since been rolled back. Let's be clear: You can't use magic, you can't really fight, and you gain no charisma.

"Okay..I would totally pick that class, if I hadn't just been told the whole human race is counting on me or something."

Conspiracy Theorist: No results found. How exactly would that be a useful occupation? Try something that makes sense next time.

"..I don't even know why I typed that in. I mean, I didn't think aliens existed before they kidnapped me and stuck me in a pod to play one of their games..which, it's kinda weird how they have humans programmed in here, and English even., I wonder if.."

When he types in the next pair of words, the screen starts glitching out and flickering, and the search takes a few seconds to load rather than being instant like all of the others. The text that it displays is slightly corrupted, some of the letters flickering back and forth to non-letter symbols.

Eldritch Summoner: 1 rEs▽LT f▮Und.

W▩rldbrink M▷ge:
. Just...j▽St ◍○☼Σ't. N◆body hAs evEr pl▥yt▧sted thiS cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
, and for VERY good reason╞

He blinks, wide-eyed, at the screen. "Ooookaaaay..not takin' that one." And then types in the next search as quickly as he can. The tab representing "Eldritch Summoner" in the search history continues to glitch randomly, but the rest of the screen returns to normal.

Timespace Warper: 1 result found.

Dimensional Mage:
You really are just looking to have as many opportunities as possible to screw yourself and your friends over, aren't you?

Riftblader: 1 result found.

Dimensional Samurai:
Two words: Portal cut. And no, you can't time travel. Probably.

"So..would the portals have a time limit or something? Is it like that Anna chick in Mana Khemia? Why are they using flavor text instead of actual descriptions, anyway?"

Runeblader: 2 results found.

Not as resilient as a proper Fighter; not as skilled as a proper Swordsman; not as powerful as a proper Mage.

Weapon Enchanter:
Do you really want to be stuck upgrading everyone else's equipment?

"Uh...nope. Boring."

Alchemist: 4 results found.

The results of matter alteration are not predictable in the least.

For those who enjoy spending countless hours combining things with other things and only occasionally creating something useful.

Medical Herbalist:
Can't heal as well as a Cleric can, and still isn't very good at fighting.

I hope you're not terribly fond of having all of your extremities.

Soul Reaver: 2 results found.

Spirit Enchanter:
Good luck collecting the resources. At least they only work for you, so you don't have to worry about being badgered to make everyone else's swords glow in the dark.

Spirit Caster:
Don't expect to be able to rip souls out of bodies until long after all of your enemies are utterly immune to that sort of thing.

Cleric: 1 result found.

Cleric of ________:
Here's the deal: You have to serve a god. The god you serve determines what abilities you get. Which god it is, is chosen for you personally--and not in a good way. If you don't please your god, you don't get any powers.

"Finally, a description that isn't stupid. But yeah, not takin' that one either. They'd stick me with the god of no fun or something, by that description. Who wants to be a healer anyway?"

Bard: 4 results found.

Lore Caster:
You can only embody each legend briefly, once per week, and its power scales to its fame. It's too bad you don't actually know any legends yet.

Music Mage:
Needing to "carry a tune to save your life" has never been more literal. Hopefully everyone likes whatever kind of music you like, or you might wake up dead one morning.

Of course you can't be bothered to learn to fight, because a bored ally is an ally without any buffs.

Glamour Mage:
If you're willing to sacrifice battle and utility spells alike for the ability to convince anyone of anything, you really do deserve whatever it is you get.

"So, what...a Music Mage casts magic by playing music? Like Gitaroo man or somethin'? That'd be pretty sweet."

Astral Mage: 1 result found.

Astral Mage:
Spending all of your time gaining power in the astral plane means having a nearly useless body in the physical one.

Druid: 4 results found.

Nature Mage:
Useless in caves, deadlands, and pretty much anywhere else without enough plants.

I hope you enjoy being the 'team pet'.

It's fun having other creatures do all the work for you until they're all gone and you have no idea how to fend for yourself alone.

Learn all your skills from the animals. You know, the same creatures people kill and eat every day?

Warlock (Interpreted as "Mage"): 1000+ results found. A mage is just someone who casts spells; that's about as vague as it gets. Try again.

"Okay. Guys. Look. A warlock? Not a mage. Two totally different things. I guess whoever translated this from alien gobbledigook couldn't be bothered to figure that out."

Light Knight: 3 results found.

Light Mage:
Solid light really doesn't have the kind of weight that gives solid metal, ice, stone, and various other things the ability to do reasonable damage. Still, this isn't the worst class.

Like a Figher who can't deal as much damage because he's much too busy wearing heavy armor and being a meat shield.

All the worst parts of a Knight and Cleric in one.

"What's a paladin? Not me."

Sealcaster: 1 result found.

Rune Mage:
Every spell requires a meticulous drawing that disappears the instant it's cast. If you draw it wrong, either nothing or something bad for you happens. Sleep? Who needs sleep?

The cat-guy leans back from the screen a bit and sighs. "Aand, I'm all outta ideas. I mean, unless I wanted to try swordsman or fighter or something, but those sound boring. I mean, look at all the different magical s*** I can apparently learn to do in here. At least one of these has gotta be good, even if whoever wrote these descriptions don't think so. Hmm.."


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