Saturday, December 29, 2012

MageBound 2


lazyLawyer wrote:
> Smelly Alchedumbass

That's probably not it. The young man frowns disconcertedly at the suggestion. It probably makes him uncomfortable that some of it might be accurate description.

AvzinElkein wrote:
Faust Jr.

You hope not to repeat your father's mistake of bargaining with wicked forces.
Faust...He gives an encouraging nod. That might be part of his name, or perhaps he just enjoys that he is no longer being given uncomfortably accurate insults...

siguard wrote:
Jachob Faust, Alchemist Extraordinaire. at least you would be if you actually paid attention to your mentor.

That's right! Your name is JACHOB FAUST, the 'j' is said with a y sound and the 'ch' is kind of a guttural sound but nobody can really pronounce it right so everyone just calls you "Jach" (pronounced like "Jack"). You are a MASTER ALCHEMIST* and have long since completed apprenticeship. In fact, you are PRETTY WELL OFF because you have embraced TECHNOLOGY, which most ALCHEMISTS are uncomfortable with. You have cornered the market of ONLINE POTION SALES by inventing it. You also post tutorial videos on MAGETUBE for POTION HOBBYISTS on how to mix simple healing potions and the like. You are really around forty-something; you look 13 right now because of an OVERPOWERED DEAGING POTION. You are pretty much addicted to NOT LOOKING YOUR AGE. You are also addicted to POETRY. Although you have embraced TECHNOLOGY, that really just means you use it; you know basically nothing about how computers work and stuff. You are nonetheless INTERESTED in it. Your MageMoniker is impeccableAlchemist and you somehow manage to simultaneously be enthusiastic and hesitant nearly all the time.!
What would you like to do now?

*-Actually, the techinical term for your occupation is POTION MIXER, as opposed to SUBSTANCE ALTERER, but ALCHEMIST sounds better to you.



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