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Saturday, December 29, 2012
MageBound 7
MultiversalInk wrote:
Go on PesterMage and talk to those people.
If they have PesterMage, that is. And if PesterMage even exists.
Well, it's called MageCommune, but whatever. You totally lost your focus right after telling GROZZY you'd do something like that!
You go back out of the cave, going around the frozen wave..you're going to have to clean that up sooner or later. Anyway, from the hallway you enter another of the several rooms that make up your home and place of business, the GAMING ROOM. In addition to the computer desk, there is also one of each modern gaming system available. Your fair-sized library of games is kind of depressing to look at though, because you just aren't very good at video games and have never beaten a single one of them. You go straight to your COMPUTER, an average desktop, and open up MageCommune. You immediately have several people accosting you at once!
--imprisonedIncendiary [II] established communication with impeccableAlchemist [IA] at 14.40-- II: HEY ALCHEMIST... IA: Hello there my good friend.!
II: TIDINGS OF EXCELLENT NEWS IN FACE OF AN IMPENDING DISASTER. IA: Oh, cool.! Because I just got all kinds of news there's disaster coming.!
IA: I mean, if our prophet buddy wasn't already dead sure of it.. II: HAHAHAHAAA... THE GOOD NEWS INVOLVES SAID DISASTER DIRECTLY...
II: IT SEEMS...MY 'CARETAKERS' SHALL BE DESTROYED IN ITS WAKE. IA: Whoa whoa whoa.. You're happy about that.? II: YES...I LOATHE THEM WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING. IA: They're only trying to help people, though.. II: SURE...STUDY THE FREAK AND ALL THE WORLD BENEFITS.
II: IT'S NOW...FROM HAPPINESS. IA: Okay...well, um, anything else come to ya lately.? II: YES...YOUR HELP WILL APPARENTLY BE REQUIRED FOR MY OWN SURVIVAL...
II: THAT IS VERY GOOD NEWS...YOU AND UI ARE THE ONLY ONES I FEEL I CAN TRUST... IA: That's great to know.! I hope I always live up to that trust.!
IA: Anyway, speaking of, she's communing me now too.. II: BE MY GUEST...I JUST WANTED TO SHARE THE GOOD NEWS WITH SOMEBODY...
--unlikelyInscriber [UI] established communication with impeccableAlchemist [IA] at 14.41-- UI: Helloooo?
UI: Jjachob?
UI: I guess yooou're answering someone else right nooww.
UI: I'll wwait. IA: Hey there.. UI: Ah, patience pays off again! IA: Sorry, I was talking to II..
IA: I guess it's early evening there now.? UI: Indeed! And wwhat a fine moooon wwe have oouwwt toonight. IA: And that would, in turn, imply that you're communing to share another of your dream poems.? UI: Yoouu got it!
UI: Ahem...
UI: on theE GOldEn plEnAt And gOdlEn MOon
InhAbItants say It won't be soon
it won't be long until thEEnd
wheN EIght mOOndwellErs mUst dESCEND,
prEpArIng nOw tO sAve thIEr worlds.
fightIng Under folds Of tIme
UltimAtely spanning all clOUds and skAIs
Undermining the war, Undoing the harm
And thE UnEnding torment of the stars.
of skAi and Of earth Uberous begIn
All the Univerese shall depend
meanwhile, Under Oath,
thE sEvEn bEforE whispEr and scrEam
thEEnd, thEEnd, thEEnd, thEEnd.
UI: Okay, that's wwhat I wwrote doowwn. Makes aboouuwwt as much sense as uusuual. IA: I'll say..
IA: Sure seems interesting though.!
IA: It has a very chaotic rhyme scheme, which kind of matches the apparently apocalyptic subject..
IA: In fact, the 'end' sound is the only one I see rhyming all over the place there.. UI: Wwell thank yoouu. IA: Of course..
IA: Now, I'm about to talk to the people who contacted us a few months back, you remember 'em.? UI: Yeah. I'm still a bit confuused as to hooww they kneww wwhat wwoouuld happen befoore even a potent prophet. IA: Well, they said to keep one thing in confidence, in case it turned out they were right..
IA: They might have a way for some people to survive..
IA: But it's extremely risky and difficult for all involved.! UI: Obviously wwe shouldn't take that soort of option when mages are already wwoorking on a shield thoough, right? IA: I guess she hasn't told you yet....
IA: The shield won't cover most of the planet.. UI: SAY WWHAT!? IA: Yeah, it's supposed be confidential information right now but our hacker friend's been watching the government communications..
IA: She's always supsicious like that, and I guess it paid off.?
IA: They're trying to keep the news from getting out to avoid panic, but..
IA: The shield is a deflective shield, which means that what it deflects has to go somewhere..
IA: It'll already be caught in Hedron's gravity and we have no way of propelling it outward..
IA: And they might hang around for awhile but more will crash into them, and besides that too many would obscure the sun..
IA: So their plan is to...
IA: Save the..important people, and let the rest of the world feel the impact..
IA: Um, hey, hello.? Are you there.?
--unlikelyInscriber [UI] broke off communication with impeccableAlchemist [IA] at 14.45--
You have a sneaking suspicion that you shouldn't have told her that. Oh well...on to the business you got on here for.
--impeccableAlchemist [IA] bEstabglishedan communpesterIngcation with unavoidableEndgame [UE] at ^/&:.*$-- IA: Hello.? You there.? UE: Of course not, I was dead several millinea before you were born. IA: Err, I meant relatively speaking..
IA: In other words, the answer to the query I posed is yes.. UE: I know, I was just being sarcastic.
UE: Since you're calling us I guess that means I should spread the news. IA: What news is that.? UE: The news that we've got the e
--unavoidableEndgame was discon$%$%--[/spoiler]
Uh..that can't be good.
[spoiler]--eternalErratic [EE] began TROLLING impeccableAlchemist [IA] RIGHT NOW-- EE: HeYE WhAT'S uPf fUTURer DUdE?!? IA: Um, hi.? I was talking to one of your friends and he got disconnected.!
IA: (At least I think it's a he....) EE: It'ts LarighT i ThtiNK hI ss TUpid pet KNOckED ovER HiS cOMputer for AbOUT the fIFtieth TiME. IA: Oh, okay..
IA: Well, as I was trying to tell him,
IA: The meteors you guys mentioned are apparently very much on their way.. EE: rEaalLy? WhAT prOOf I sTHERE? hMm? IA: Well, it's been prophesied by at least one guy who's never wrong..
IA: And the dragons, who tend to have a sense of when disaster is on its way, are all agitated about something.. EE: OHh. ThIS i SvERY gOOd NwES. SiNCe You ConTaCted uS i CaNO Nl y a SusmE yoU're The LEader. IA: Leader of..what.? EE: YouL'l F iNd OUt L aTER. iT's Not SOmething You De cIDE aNyaWAY.
EE: eEXPeCT cONtaCT fROM EA sOMetIME in the NeARisH fUTUre.
EE: LiKE, TwEntY MiNeUtES or SOmETHing. HE's OUt EXPloring Right NOW. IA: If I may ask.... EE: HmM/? IA: What is it he's exploring, exactly.? EE: oH , jUSt THis OWRLD we'RE on. Wer'RE THINkING OF CaLiLING i T Hedron.
--eternalErratic [EE] ceased trolling impeccableAlchemist [IA] IN ABOUT FIVE MINUTES--
Well, it looks like you've got, like, twenty minutes or something to waste. What are you going to do?
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