Saturday, December 29, 2012

MageBound 3


AvzinElkein wrote:
Remember your father's folly and how he ended up being consumed by the demons he sought to control.

You try to imagine your father as a fool who made a terrible mistake, but then you remember that demons don't exist in YOUR WORLD. It's entertaining, but not too flattering. Anyway, you don't know who your father was! Your earliest memories are of a VERY NICE ORPHANAGE that took care of you until you were old enough to become an ALCHEMY APPRENTICE.

MayorSillyBiscuits wrote:
>Flashback to times in the orphanage
Remember childhood love

>Have her secretly be relevant to plot

You recall a childhood FEMALE FRIEND who you shared something of a SIMPLISTIC LOVE with. She was a LUPERAN, and that was long before either of you learned the DANGERS OF INTERSPECIES MIXING. She's probably, like, forty-something now, but LUPERANS live much longer than humans. It would be really awkward if she turned out to be the mother of your BEST FRIEND or something like that.
You hear a rumbling noise from a nearby room. GROZZY sounds upset. Hmm.



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