Saturday, December 29, 2012

MageBound 6


AvzinElkein wrote:
Suppress his flamebreath with something really cold

You pull a flask of CHILL ELIXER from the BOMBKIND SPECIBUS. It has some of the properties of liquid nitrogen, namely being REALLY COLD, except that it's MAGICAL and thus can be much, much colder for much longer. You toss the ELIXER out of the flask in an arc, and it freezes a fair-sized layer of ice out of the water vapor around it, making a wave-shaped barrier of ice and CHILL ELIXER between you and GROZZY. He breathes fire at it, and it holds.
Well, this was great for a pause to think but you should have already had a plan! Besides, if he starts smacking it with his claws he could get seriously hurt by direct contact with the ELIXER, and you don't want that. Surely there's some other imaginable potion that would be useful in this instance...

Xindaris wrote:
>Use a Potion of Clarify Mind

Of course! You've got just the thing. You pull out a flask full of potion and one of the BOMBSLOTS, and pour the potion in, making an instant bomb. You toss the bomb over your icy wall and hear a chomping sound as GROZZY reflexively bites it. Perfect, now all the potion goes straight in his mouth. After a few seconds, he calms down and you go around to see him.

Of course! Dragons always get generally upset when a big disaster is coming to Hedron, even when most people have no way of predicting it. They seem to have a sense of what's going to happen next.
Uh...what to do now?



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