Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Airships Over Aranor 1

(This is the first one!)

Airships Over Aranor
Chapter One: Of Dragons and Pireights

A young man stands in the center of an airship bridge: Wooden planks beneath his feet, vast windows with sky and cloud outside of them, the crew all in their positions around the room. I should probably clarify that when I say "young man" I mean it literally, not as in "teenager", but as in "mid twenties". This particular young man is a human, with bright red eyes and equally bright red hair. Obviously a human from earth could not naturally possess such traits, but these are perfectly normal, healthy genetic possibilities for a human from the planet this airship is currently flying over: Aranor.
Aranor is a little smaller in diameter and surface area than Earth, and no less covered by a majority of ocean. Its two major continents are almost as far away as possible. Oh, and it's a place full of magic, as might be seen by the fire burning around the hands of the young man in question that isn't even effecting him enough to make him sweat. He notices this and quickly shakes his hands to put them out.

Anyway, I was describing that man, and hadn't even gotten below his neck yet. He is wearing a dark long coat with buttons all the way down it, long sleeves with two tassel-decorated shoulder pads at their tops, and matching pants. In short, he is wearing something of a captain's garb. He is wearing it because he is a captain. He is also now standing straight with his arms crossed gently behind his back because he is a captain. He is being completely calm in light of the present, very serious crisis he and his crew face, because that's what a captain does.

Just to prove how composed he is in the face of danger, this captain will allow some time for you to guess his name. You might as well guess the name of his airship while you're at it.


From: http://www.mspaforums.com/showthread.php?42524-Airships-Over-Aranor-Prose

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