Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Airships Over Aranor 16


Xach finally responds after a few seconds. "..Next time we're on Magis, I'll have to pay my respects. Depending on how long he meant."
You won't even take off the blindfold to see a blood moon?
"That would be foolish of me."

Even Kalzen was willing to risk that much. What's different about you? Kalzen, or "the green bard" as he self-nicknamed, was a Neshobe of a similar mixed heritage to that of Arozi. His green was a more vibrant, bright color; it is now known that he suffered from a brain disorder by which bright flashes of light would give him seizures. His name means 'dancer', and he was one of the greatest musicians, poets, and writers who ever lived. There is hardly an artist who would not love to be compared to him. An elf friend placed a special enchantment on his eyes at one point which allowed him to make them blind when he wished, and see when he wished; he risked seeing often enough to keep a journal of his travels, and witness a few momentous events, but it is suspected he died from a particularly reckless unblinding in the middle of a fight or something.

"Hmm. I still haven't told you about my spell, have I. I think you two have earned that much trust from me..but I don't want just anyone to hear this, so we should go somewhere private first."

The trail is just about cold. Some people seem to have seen Leona and her companion go one way, some another, and some still a third direction. Whys isn't paranoid enough to stay completely invisible, but he doesn't exactly enjoy being followed, either. Conall and Khazu stop on the edge of a street corner, in the shade, to rest a moment.

"I do not think we are going to get anywhere with this. Unless someone has seen her since then--whoa!" Conall stumbles backwards from the sudden appearance of someone he knows--or has met once before, at least. It's another Neshobe of the Shadow Fang Clan; his fur has a pattern of bright fur with darker spots, and his clothing is the rough, tattered look of an older era..or more traditional methods of clothesmaking at least. He growls something in Neshoban which Conall understandably doesn't understand.

The Neshoba have two languages, really. One of them, the one they use in names, is actually a mutated infantile form of ancient Draconic language; anyone could learn it with practice and indeed many have, for it has many uses. The other, however, seems more naturally descended, and consists of canine sounds that most other races find quite impossible to imitate, and extremely difficult to properly understand. Neshoba, however, even those who weren't exactly taught the langauge, seem to have no trouble speaking and understanding it. It's possible there is some magic involved in its use. Conall knows basically why this particular Neshobe is speaking in the language that he is, but it makes it no less confusing.

He keeps on talking. "Uh..Khazu, could you tell me what he is trying to say?"
"I can try, sir. <Would you start over, I didn't hear the first part.>" For future reference, words in angle brackets (<,>) denote languages other than common; context should make it obvious which one.
"<Oh! Sorry. I forgot that he couldn't..Please tell him I can understand now.>"
"I think he's saying he can understand Common?" The stranger nods. "<But why not speak it then?>"
"<It is forbidden. I can only speak this until I am mature.>"
Conall can guess what was asked and said. "Well, it has been a while since I've seen you. Good to see they didn't keep you in prison too long."

"..He thanks you for that...uh..and says that he needs to atone properly for..his mistake. He also wants to know if 'Seeing Forever' is near."
(To Khazu) "He means Xach." (To the Neshobe) "I sent him off on shore leave, he's in town but might be difficult to find. What is this about atonement? I told you it was all right."
"He says..that is a shame, he wanted to see him again. Some other time though. And, he knows you are satisfied but he cannot..continue his journey...until he has actually repaid you for the damage by some service. What is he talking about, if I may ask?"

"I suppose I should explain. Khazu, this is..Terminus. He has a spell that allows him to instantly go from one place to another, and he only speaks in Neshoban. He did not understand Common the last time I met him, and had been fooled by a certain pirate captain into believing it was a peacekeeper vessel attacking pirates. Including us. Xach set him straight and he left her service for good." Terminus nods to just about every part of the description. "He is from a somewhat conservative camp of Shadow Fang, but is not allowed to officially leave them or speak other languages until spiritually mature. Is that right?" Terminus nods again. "And, also according to their laws, you have to repay me with something before you can continue that journey." Another nod.

Neshoba recognize three different kinds of maturity: physical, mental, and a word that doesn't quite mean the same thing but which I translate 'spiritual'. Physical maturity is exactly the same as with humans; mental maturity differs from Clan to Clan, and sometimes even from camp to camp, pack to pack, even from family to family in some cases. It generally involves having the knowledge to survive in the world on one's own; it is how this is determined that differs so widely. Spiritual maturity is the most important by far, and the most difficult, and on this matter all members of a single Clan tend to agree on at least very similar tests. For the record, Khazu is not regarded as spiritually mature by the Black Earth's method of testing though he is by the Blue Tail; he can still claim the rights of a mature one but still means to attain the other Clan's maturity before doing so. Callor has also passed the Blue Tail's test, and it was the product of this test which got him Verra's attention in the first place.

Anyway, back to the conversation. Terminus says something else.
"He says he just saw someone who looks like who we are looking for from a rooftop, and...do you want to go?"
"Yes. Remain calm, Khazu. And hang on." Rather than explain, Conall grabs Khazu's arm and takes an offered arm of the other Neshobe. And then, instantly, they are standing on the roof of a house, and then just as quickly, a different street corner. Khazu is understandably shaken. Conall quickly puts out a magical fire on his hands (which he fortunately pulled away from the others before they could get burned) and wipes them against his clothes out of habit. "Yes, I do not think I shall ever be used that either." Terminus, meanwhile, points toward a woman they both recognize, even from the back.

A shame that performance had to be cut short. But he doesn't want to get tangled up in our fight, and I don't really blame him. It's hard to get out of the claws of a love triangle, after all...
Leona is considerably less angry than Arozi about the recent confrontation and even its ending. She now wanders the streets for the moment, practicing a few of the mental magic simplifying techniques Whys showed her. She picks up on a few stray surface thoughts--which are quite legal to listen in on. There are all sorts of rumors, and just as many people who can think of nothing but their jobs, nothing but what they are going to do within the next ten minutes. It's truly fascinating. She's so busy listening to the voices from minds that she almost misses one from her ears.

"..Leona!" Turning to the source of the voice, she finds Conall, a Neshobe she doesn't recognize..and her good friend Khazu. How cute, he's waving at her.
"Hello there, dears." She strides over to the three. "Well, it's good to see you didn't get eaten up by monsters or anything."
"It's good to see you as well." He has a tendency to forget honorific language toward Leona. Fortunately she doesn't seem to mind to much. "Uh, did you--oh!" She drops the illusion on her ears and tail for the three. "That is impressive, m-milady. Exactly what you said you wanted."
"Yes, it is. Now what brings you two here...you, I don't think I've met?" The unfamiliar one growls something in Neshoban, but she is able to pick up on it through the universal translator known as surface thoughts, only available to Fylenis and their friends.

"<I am 'The Ways'. I owe the man a repayment for error.>" Neshoban language lacks the ability to directly translate names of people and races, as well as a number of concepts related to technology such as buildings and doors, but the thought as well as context clearly indicate he means Conall.
"My sister wants us to go on a trip to a tomb that may or may not exist, and may actually be a trap set by or for a gang of bandits for treasure seekers.
"Heheh, and you'd rather not, I take it?"
"Yes. But you know how she is, and the Farran's grounded at the moment so I can't use that as an excuse."

"Played like a ball of yarn, Captain Reynolds. Well you can count me in, I was just looking for something to do anyway. Were you roped into this, too?" she asks Khazu.
"I-I would be honored to help."
"That is a yes." Conall looks at Terminus. "I don't suppose helping us find her is enough atonement for you." He shakes his head. "You may as well come with us on this too, then. If it is as much trouble as it usually is I think it should be more than enough. 

"We are supposed to meet at the last place we saw Charlotte..provided she's still there. I shall lead."


From: http://www.mspaforums.com/showthread.php?42524-Airships-Over-Aranor-Prose

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