Monday, May 16, 2016

Full Immersion 12

"My name is Jeannette Baptiste," she answers, her voice taking on a very strong French accent when she speaks the name. "And you?"
"Louis Lincoln. You French or something?"
"I think that would be obvious, since I am speaking it right now."
"Wha--? No you're not. I can hear you talking perfect English."
"While I have been told my English is very good," she says, now in a somewhat thick yet understandable French accent, "I assure you I was not speaking it a before. It sounds to me as if you are speaking fluent French."
"But I don't know any--ohhh, oh I get it. Those aliens must have a universal translator thing going. I mean, we're in VR pod things or whatever so I guess it's already interfacing with our brains anyway. But, uh, what were you doing in that tree?"

She shrugs. "I woke up there a few minutes ago, after they were putting us in those pods. Your shouting woke me up, actually." Her speech has resumed a seeming accentlessness that probably marks a return to her native language from her own perspective.
"So you probably didn't pick a class yet, huh?"
"Non. I am guessing that is how you received your fancy clothes and sword?"

Interrupting Louis' response, a screen appears in front of Jean with a message displayed in the center:
Conseils: Comment vaincre le jeu!
1. Coopérer! Deux avis valent mieux qu'un.
2. Exercez! Un muscle non utilisé est faible.
3. Ne désespérez! Vous ne savez pas ce qui arrivera ensuite.

"Aww, it's in French."
"Well, it is my screen, no?"

The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Does this character have a class yet? If so what? If not search 'Trigonometry' and 'Worldbrink Mage'.
Curris Wrote:Well, she climbed that tree without class abilities, so she's probably reasonably sneaky and athletic based on natural talent.
She also doesn't seem to enjoy seeing a wolf get razor'd up too much. Animal affinity?

Class suggestions -> Ghost (literally a spirit), Assassin, Lancer (Death from above style Jump-stabbing), Pickpocket, FreeRunner (Parkourist), Tourist, Wushu Monk.
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:+1 to ghost + ghost buster
1412 Wrote:I still want to see what that unpronounceable class that came up in the Zaubermancer search is.
Bakumaster Wrote:She must be either a calculist(calculus) or a quantum mechanic(a field of science).
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Meh she is the scout :p
Beastnix Wrote:>she looks smart, maybe she's the smartass class

"..Did you hear someone whispering just now?"
"Nope. Anyway, you might wanna pick a class pretty soon. I mean, another f***in' giganto-wolf might come barreling in any time now."

She starts working on the screen, the guy looking over her shoulder. "I think it's that one there. It's a search engine thing."
"I have eyes. Allow me to use them."

{Meta: For your choosing convenience, the class searches and resulting descriptions are fully translated to English.}

"Wh..the h*** are you typing in?"
"It is a class, no?"
"That's not the kind of.." Louis trails off at the sight of an actual result coming up.

Trigonometry: 1 result found.

Use triangle-based mathematics to fight. You're the one who thought to choose this class, so obviously you can figure out how to use it properly.

"The actual f***?"
"Interesting. I wonder what other maths have classes.."

Calculus: 2 results found.

Differential Calculist:
Use mathematics involving the measurement of rates of change to fight. You're the one who thought to choose this class, so obviously you can figure out how to use it properly.

Integral Calculist:
Use mathematics concerned with summing infinite infinitesimal-width vertical sections to fight. You're the one who thought to choose this class, so obviously you can figure out how to use it properly.

"They all seem to have the same warning on them," says the young woman. "Well, what of this?"

Quantum Mechanic: 4 results found.

Probability Mage:
By the very definition, results will definitely vary.

Dimensional Mage:
You really are just looking to have as many opportunities as possible to screw yourself and your friends over, aren't you?

Yes, that little steam-driven spider looked very impressive up until the moment where it got stepped on.

Your tools are moderately less effective and only slightly more reliable than those of a Gunner, but considerbly more varied--which means about half of them will never be useful in the least.

"Hey, can I show you something real quick?"
"Just, lemme type something in the search bar, and watch what it does." He types in a certain pair of words, and, predictably, the screen starts flickering and glitching out.

?▩?◆☼?◆☼?◆▩▷☼?▩▷◆☼: 608413 ☼☼ult(s) ▥▧und.

Cast s▽▽▽ls at the cost of s&nity. yOuR SSSSSsssss might not c0me back. Not eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
outsidetheg@me. ######sly, don't take this cl(ε).

"Hey, I didn't make it do that. It's not permanent, I promise. It just does that whenever you type in that class name. And if you go to pick that class it has this waiver for you to sign. It's crazy."
"Hm. According to this, the class has one cast spells at the cost of...sanity. Which may be permanently lost, even outside of the game."
"Huh? It didn't say that for me. It just said that it hadn't been playtested, and 'don't take it'. Weird, the descriptions are usually the same every time you get the same class as a result."
"Well, this is the exception to a lot of things, I expect."
"Hold on, lemme try something else."
"F*** off!"
"No, no, wait, lemme just--gah!" Jean backhands Louis, knocking him straight off to the ground on one side, but not before he managed to enter in most of what he was trying to search for.

Utzgabadzfsd: 1 result found.

You probably thought you wouldn't get any results from banging randomly on the keyboard. Well, lucky you then!

"Oh. This seems more tame, if a bit useless a description."
He stands up. "How the h*** did you just push me over like that?"
She shrugs. "I was just trying to get you away because you were being obnoxious. Your weight is like a feather. Now, allow me to attempt some things."

Ghost: 2 results found.

Astral Mage:
Spending all of your time gaining power in the astral plane means having a nearly useless body in the physical one.

Everyone hates you. No, really. Everyone. And physically you are almost as weak as an Astral Mage.

Ghost Buster: 2 results found.

Cleric of ________:
Here's the deal: You have to serve a god. The god you serve determines what abilities you get. Which god it is, is chosen for you personally--and not in a good way. If you don't please your god, you don't get any powers.

All the worst parts of a Knight and Cleric in one.

Scout: 1 result found.

Useless in cities and not much better in other cramped spaces.

Pickpocket: 1 result found.

Taker Rogue:
When you focus your energy on learning to make a profit, two things happen: (1) you can't take a hit; (2) you're only mildly okay at killing things.


Assassin: 1 result found.

Slayer Rogue:
You're nowhere near as good as a Taker Rogue at making a profit, and you still can't take a hit.

"That could be interesting, perhaps. I wonder if..?"

Free Runner: 2 results found.

Taker Rogue:
When you focus your energy on learning to make a profit, two things happen: (1) you can't take a hit; (2) you're only mildly okay at killing things.

Slayer Rogue:
You're nowhere near as good as a Taker Rogue at making a profit, and you still can't take a hit.

"I see."
"What? What do you see? I can't read any of this bulls***."
"Would you like another backhand, cat-boy?"

Tourist: 1 result found.

Literally the most useless class. The only purpose of including this class is to weed out the stupid early on and provide a challenge to those who feel the game is too easy. Also used for several non-combatant NPCs.

"That is surprisingly candid. And..perhaps something more strength-oriented to choose from, as well..."

Lancer: 4 results found.

Hope you enjoy taking all of the hits for everyone else, and not having any magic.

Like a Figher who can't deal as much damage because he's much too busy wearing heavy armor and being a meat shield.

All the worst parts of a Knight and Cleric in one.

Not as resilient nor skilled as a proper Fighter; not as powerful as a proper Mage.

"I am guessing some of these warrior classes allow one to choose one's favored weapon from the start."

Wushu Monk: 1 result found.

Fist Monk:
Fight with your fists! It's not like weapons were invented for a reason or anything.


Smarta**: No results found, smarta**.

"My my, such a comeback."
"Seriously, how are you so f***in' strong you can just brush me off like that and knock me over? You some kind of super-strong race or something?"
"Are you some strange form of racist, Louis?" she says, pronouncing the name as if it were a French one.
"No, I mean in the game d***it. Like how I'm obviously some kind of cat person?"
"I seem to be perfectly human," she responds, brushing back some of her hair to show an ordinary ear. "Perhaps cat people are exceptionally weak."


Full Immersion 11

Kíeros Wrote:> Practice your jump cuts. Either literally or metaphorically.
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Practice makes perfect. :(
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Show him your slashes.
Curris Wrote:Enjoy your tutorial battle~!
Bakumaster Wrote:>Try to cut it in half
Beastnix Wrote:>say what would happen to wolf if it jumped into a portal? Get cut in half?
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:
Bakumaster;7417418 Wrote:>Try to cut it in half with the power of time-space!!!
Curris Wrote:Accidentally teleport the wolf to another player.

He makes a 'come here' gesture with his free hand, grinning. "Whoop!" The wolf tries to bite him, which he sidesteps and slashes at its neck. It makes the big animal back up slightly, but it doesn't look all that badly injured. "What th..the f*** is your skin made outta?! I mean, I know it's rusty, but it shouldn't suck this much..hup!"

"Okay." He hops back from a swipe by the wolf's claws, and then turns halfway to one side, cutting a hole in the air behind him that opens up to a spot a couple of feet behind the wolf, and jumps in, turning around to face the wolf. It tries to swipe at him through the portal, and it closes on a couple of the wolf's toes, which cuts them right off.

The wolf howls in pain, and the cat-guy turns toward the wolf he's now standing behind and jumps, drawing his sword again and using the momentum of his fall to dig the sharp end into the wolf's back. He slides it across the wound, steps back, and sheathes it again.

The wolf turns around, in a rage, and charges at him. He opens a portal behind him and sidesteps, letting the animal charge right through. The wolf comes out the other end of the portal, which is directly above a tree, and comes crashing down through the branches.

"Wha--aah!--Oof." A female voice comes from the branches, and in addition to the wolf someone else crashes down to the ground, landing next to it.

While the animal is stunned, the samurai presses the advantage, running up and slashing at it as many times as he can manage. Meanwhile, the other person, who seems to be a dark-skinned young woman with brown hair up in a ponytail, purple eyes, and yet another plain tan tunic, stands up, brushes herself off, and backs away from the fight.

The wolf gets up and jumps at the blue-haired guy. He tries to sidestep this, but the animal is a little too fast and he gets knocked aside, rolling on the ground a foot or so before getting back up to a kneeling position, the bottom tip of his blade dug into the ground. "Ow! D***."

The wolf stands up and gets ready to run at him again. He gets up and cuts another hole in space directly in front of him, this one linking to another hole, just an inch forward, facing the opposite direction. The wolf runs at him, and the portal closes just as its front legs clear it, cutting the creature in two.

The cat-guy jumps away, a vicious grin on his face, as the front half of the wolf crawls forward, growling. "Ha! How d'you like that, b****!"

"S***, just put the thing out of its misery, would you?" The girl from before is leaning against a nearby tree, looking moderately disgusted.

"Okay, okay." He stabs it in the neck. Which takes a couple of tries to get right. "Who are you, anyway?"


Full Immersion 10

1412 Wrote:Be a Tech Noble or shapeshifter, or maybe a Utzgarignjer for the heck of it.
Kíeros Wrote:> Portal Cut. You have to be a Dimensional Samurai.
Bakumaster Wrote:>Dimensional mage.
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Portal cut aka Riftblading time :D
Beastnix Wrote:>W▩rldbrink M▷ge
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Alchemy seems cool.
DoctorMadness Wrote:
Beastnix Wrote:>W▩rldbrink M▷ge
Im gonna have to...2nd this.
zodiacSynthesis Wrote:W▩rldbrink M▷ge. If not, Utzgarignjer, Diplomatic Noble, or the most boring choice, Dimensional Mage.
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:W▩rldbrink M▷ge< that class gave a glitchy but rather honest explanation. I don't trust it ...

{Meta: Vote Count Ranking:
1 vote = 1 vote:
Worldbrink Mage: 4
Dimensional Samurai: 2
Dimensional Mage: 2
Utzgarignjer: 2
Tech Noble: 1
Shapeshifter: 1
Alchemist: 1
Diplomatic Noble: 1

1 person = 1 vote:
Worldbrink Mage: 2 + 1/3 + 1/2 = 2+5/6
Dimesional Samurai: 1 + 1/2 = 1+1/2
Dimensional Mage: 1 + 1/3 = 1+1/3
Alchemist: 1 = 1
Utzgarignjer: 1/3 + 1/3 = 2/3
Tech Noble: 1/3 = 1/3
Shapeshifter: 1/3 = 1/3

(Charcter indecisive)}
The young man stands there a moment, paralyzed by indecision. His hand hovers over the glitched out search entry for a few seconds. "Aww..h*** I can't help it. I gotta know."

He pokes that, and the whole screen starts behaving as it did before. "Am I gonna have to deal with the screen freaking out nonstop if I pick this? Well..I mean, the class might be broken good. They never did playtest it.." He selects the class, and something new appears on the screen, on top of everything else, and a stylus pops out of the screen, which he manages to catch reflexively. "Whoa! Didn't know I could..what is this?"

By imprinting my personal symbols here, I hereby take upon myself 100% responsibility and absolve all entities involved of any responsibility, legal, moral or otherwise, for any damage done to my psyche.
Signed, ___________

"Is it..does it do that for all the classes?" He backs out, causing the stylus to disappear, and picks another class at random, going to the confirmation dialog. "...No? It's just a normal 'are you sure' thing. Okay..I think they're f***ing serious about this. But why would you leave something like that in a game?" Another backing out, and back to the Worldbrink Mage search.

He inhales through his teeth, looking at the screen for a good long moment. "Fffffffffnaw. I can't do this. I mean, I'd think it was a joke or something if I didn't feel like I was literally standing in the middle of a forest with a freakin' cat tail. But this's just..way too real. I feel like I'll be legitimately in danger if I pick this class.

He backs out to the main search. "...Plus there's the whole, 'Earth is depending on you' thing or whatever. If that green guy shows up again, I gotta ask him what the h*** they were talking about."

{Meta: Character preference adjusted--Worldbrink Mage -3.}

He takes a deep breath, and lets it go. "Oh-kay, what about they classes they did playtest? Man, I could go for swingin' a sword around and hoppin' through portals. That sounds pretty good, actually."

He goes to the Dimensional Samurai tab and selects that one, quickly going through the confirmation dialogue. The Class search fades off into a skill tree, and his clothes shifts into a special kind of kimono with leather padding placed to protect a few vital areas, along with a long, sheathed katana.

The cat-guy pulls the katana about halfway out, looking at it. It looks beat up and rusted in some places. "Of course I get the s****y equipment first. Does this even work?" He tries drawing and swinging the katana, which comes as a single motion, and as it cuts through the air something like a tear in a piece of paper appears, both where the katana cut and across the bark of a nearby tree. "Whoa! So I just--ack!" Having put his hand out toward the portal, he draws it back as both sides suddenly shut again. "Okay..yeah. Crazy time limit. I guess the idea is I just have to hop through right away, or else. Oh man, I bet it hurts losing a section of a tail, too..yipe!"

He jumps forward and turns around in midair to find himself facing a gigantic wolf that just barely missed pouncing straight on top of him. "Oh s***!" The wolf stands up and growls at him. He sheathes the blade, holding his hand on the hilt. "Alright, time to try this out. C'mon!"


Full Immersion 9

1412 Wrote:Search classes for Gentleman, Gun'sbraster, Zaubermancer, and Steampunk.
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:
1412 Wrote: Search classes for Steampunk Gentleman.
Curris Wrote:Search for Xanatos Gambiteer, Conspiracy Theorist, Eldritch Summoner, Timespace Warper. I figure him for being a paranoid teleporter.
1412 Wrote:You're right. This one needs to happen.
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Riftblader( A mobile class able to travel between the rift of space), Runeblader, Alchemist, Soul Reaver(Uses souls as a resource in which you imbue them into your weapon), Cleric, Bard, Astral Mage ( High powered Mage that controls the substance of space aka astral cause its cooler :shades: ), Druid, Warlock, Light Knight( Manipulating light as a weapon), Sealcaster ( clarification stores seals of magic and opens them later in combat.)
Kíeros Wrote:> Laugh about needing a class and never get around to doing it.
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Or that :P

He remains there for a moment or so, eyes glazed over, before finally shaking his head back and forth, his hair swishing around and his ears flopping for a few seconds as he mentally shakes himself out of the stunned state.

"Okay.." he takes a deep breath, and lets it go. "Okay, so this is just--it's just, like an RPG, right? So, this message says I'm supposed to pick a class.."

He pokes the Class: NULL panel and the search engine appears. "Whoa..I was expecting just a little list. So I guess I'm supposed to, like, be creative? Let's see what I can come up with..." He scratches his head, and then begins typing away.

Gentleman: 2 results found.

Diplomatic Noble:
Useless in battle. Need I say more?

Inspirational Noble:
What good is a prince if there's no army to lead? The answer is none. None at all.


Steampunk: 2 results found.

Yes, that little steam-driven spider looked very impressive up until the moment where it got stepped on.

Your tools are moderately less effective and only slightly more reliable than those of a Gunner, but considerbly more varied--which means about half of them will never be useful in the least.

"Okay, what the h*** is up with these descriptions? I've literally never played this game before, and they expect me to pick a class based on some other snarky b******'s comments? Well what about this then?"

Zaubermancer: 2 results found.

You probably thought you wouldn't get any results from banging randomly on the keyboard. Well, lucky you then!

Not as resilient as a proper Fighter; not as skilled as a proper Swordsman; not as powerful as a proper Mage.

"That's weird..I wouldn't expect someone who hasn't played Barkley to have any idea what that meant. I guess putting the actual class in would've been pretty stupid, I mean, how many alien octoroons are there? None? Probably none."

Gun'sbraster: 2 results found.

For those who enjoy obsessively maintaining their equipment, only for it to still fail at a critical moment.

I hope you're not terribly fond of having all of your extremities.

Steampunk Gentleman: 1 result found.

Tech Noble:
And you thought those gadgets and constructs were unreliable when you were the one building them!

Xanatos Gambiteer: 1 result found.

The only class that gained power when efforts were made to rebalance the system. Those changes have since been rolled back. Let's be clear: You can't use magic, you can't really fight, and you gain no charisma.

"Okay..I would totally pick that class, if I hadn't just been told the whole human race is counting on me or something."

Conspiracy Theorist: No results found. How exactly would that be a useful occupation? Try something that makes sense next time.

"..I don't even know why I typed that in. I mean, I didn't think aliens existed before they kidnapped me and stuck me in a pod to play one of their games..which, it's kinda weird how they have humans programmed in here, and English even., I wonder if.."

When he types in the next pair of words, the screen starts glitching out and flickering, and the search takes a few seconds to load rather than being instant like all of the others. The text that it displays is slightly corrupted, some of the letters flickering back and forth to non-letter symbols.

Eldritch Summoner: 1 rEs▽LT f▮Und.

W▩rldbrink M▷ge:
. Just...j▽St ◍○☼Σ't. N◆body hAs evEr pl▥yt▧sted thiS cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
, and for VERY good reason╞

He blinks, wide-eyed, at the screen. "Ooookaaaay..not takin' that one." And then types in the next search as quickly as he can. The tab representing "Eldritch Summoner" in the search history continues to glitch randomly, but the rest of the screen returns to normal.

Timespace Warper: 1 result found.

Dimensional Mage:
You really are just looking to have as many opportunities as possible to screw yourself and your friends over, aren't you?

Riftblader: 1 result found.

Dimensional Samurai:
Two words: Portal cut. And no, you can't time travel. Probably.

"So..would the portals have a time limit or something? Is it like that Anna chick in Mana Khemia? Why are they using flavor text instead of actual descriptions, anyway?"

Runeblader: 2 results found.

Not as resilient as a proper Fighter; not as skilled as a proper Swordsman; not as powerful as a proper Mage.

Weapon Enchanter:
Do you really want to be stuck upgrading everyone else's equipment?

"Uh...nope. Boring."

Alchemist: 4 results found.

The results of matter alteration are not predictable in the least.

For those who enjoy spending countless hours combining things with other things and only occasionally creating something useful.

Medical Herbalist:
Can't heal as well as a Cleric can, and still isn't very good at fighting.

I hope you're not terribly fond of having all of your extremities.

Soul Reaver: 2 results found.

Spirit Enchanter:
Good luck collecting the resources. At least they only work for you, so you don't have to worry about being badgered to make everyone else's swords glow in the dark.

Spirit Caster:
Don't expect to be able to rip souls out of bodies until long after all of your enemies are utterly immune to that sort of thing.

Cleric: 1 result found.

Cleric of ________:
Here's the deal: You have to serve a god. The god you serve determines what abilities you get. Which god it is, is chosen for you personally--and not in a good way. If you don't please your god, you don't get any powers.

"Finally, a description that isn't stupid. But yeah, not takin' that one either. They'd stick me with the god of no fun or something, by that description. Who wants to be a healer anyway?"

Bard: 4 results found.

Lore Caster:
You can only embody each legend briefly, once per week, and its power scales to its fame. It's too bad you don't actually know any legends yet.

Music Mage:
Needing to "carry a tune to save your life" has never been more literal. Hopefully everyone likes whatever kind of music you like, or you might wake up dead one morning.

Of course you can't be bothered to learn to fight, because a bored ally is an ally without any buffs.

Glamour Mage:
If you're willing to sacrifice battle and utility spells alike for the ability to convince anyone of anything, you really do deserve whatever it is you get.

"So, what...a Music Mage casts magic by playing music? Like Gitaroo man or somethin'? That'd be pretty sweet."

Astral Mage: 1 result found.

Astral Mage:
Spending all of your time gaining power in the astral plane means having a nearly useless body in the physical one.

Druid: 4 results found.

Nature Mage:
Useless in caves, deadlands, and pretty much anywhere else without enough plants.

I hope you enjoy being the 'team pet'.

It's fun having other creatures do all the work for you until they're all gone and you have no idea how to fend for yourself alone.

Learn all your skills from the animals. You know, the same creatures people kill and eat every day?

Warlock (Interpreted as "Mage"): 1000+ results found. A mage is just someone who casts spells; that's about as vague as it gets. Try again.

"Okay. Guys. Look. A warlock? Not a mage. Two totally different things. I guess whoever translated this from alien gobbledigook couldn't be bothered to figure that out."

Light Knight: 3 results found.

Light Mage:
Solid light really doesn't have the kind of weight that gives solid metal, ice, stone, and various other things the ability to do reasonable damage. Still, this isn't the worst class.

Like a Figher who can't deal as much damage because he's much too busy wearing heavy armor and being a meat shield.

All the worst parts of a Knight and Cleric in one.

"What's a paladin? Not me."

Sealcaster: 1 result found.

Rune Mage:
Every spell requires a meticulous drawing that disappears the instant it's cast. If you draw it wrong, either nothing or something bad for you happens. Sleep? Who needs sleep?

The cat-guy leans back from the screen a bit and sighs. "Aand, I'm all outta ideas. I mean, unless I wanted to try swordsman or fighter or something, but those sound boring. I mean, look at all the different magical s*** I can apparently learn to do in here. At least one of these has gotta be good, even if whoever wrote these descriptions don't think so. Hmm.."


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Full Immersion 8

Curris Wrote:Your name is Aelora
Kíeros Wrote:> Airis.
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Aeola, The Great Mimic Mage.
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Aurora the Mimicker
Raf0096 Wrote:>Auriel
Beastnix Wrote:>Clipped wings, as in you really shouldn't have come here and now you are in trouble

The winged woman starts walking again as she thinks. "'ris..Au..Aur...Aul?


"Auleiris? Auliuleoriumrisarisnorioreire...Ah! Auleoris! That sounds--whoa!"
She trips over something on the ground and hops backwards, nearly falling over again.

"What that a..?" After regaining her balance, 'Auleoris' examines what she just tripped over, and finds it to be a skeletal hand making its way up out of the ground. A quick look around finds several other mostly-buried bones in motion. "Okay, yeah..dead trees, dead grass. Dead people is fine; undead--not so much."

One of the skeletons gets its torso out. "Well, I still can't really fight." She turns around while the sound of bones clacking against each other starts to build. "Aaand these trees are probably way too close together for my wingspan."

Without further prompting, the winged woman flies straight into a run back the direction she came from. More of the skeletons show up, now completely out of the ground, and she has to maneuver around increasingly large crowds of them as she goes. "S*** s*** s*** s***--"


"S** s*** what the f*** what the h*** is going on s*** s***--"
"Sir, if you would please calm down--"
In the early midmorning, in the middle of moderately dense woods and not in sight of any path to speak of, two young men are standing and having two different conversations in front of one another.

"--oh g** oh f*** what the h*** I've been abducted by aliens what the f***--"
"--I could probably explain better what's going on--"
Both are wearing plain tan tunics. One of them is visibly panicking. He has very dark blue, shoulder-length straight hair, and somewhat of a slim build. His eyes are yellow and catlike; his ears are fuzzy with fur the same color as his hair, also catlike, and he has a similarly catlike, if overly long and thick, tail of that same color.

"--F*** f*** s*** S*** f***--"
"--If you would just stop shouting about solid excrement and planting for a moment--"
The other looks rather like an elf--pointed ears and all. His eyes have a red color to them, and his skin is green--admittedly unusual for an elf, but it seems inappropriate to term him an orc as his build is rather more elf-like, and the green involved is more of a bright green. His hair, which appears short but generally unkempt, is actually a darker green than his skin.

"--What the f*** oh g** oh s***--"

The green elf gives up on being reasonable and gives the other guy a solid slap in the face, earning a few seconds of silence. He spends them speaking. "Look, I shall find you again and explain as much as I can when you are able to hold a normal conversation. Okay?" The cat-guy doesn't say anything, still gawking in some combination of confusion and shock. "..Okay."

The green-skinned one walks away into the trees. Thirty or so seconds pass. Then a screen appears in front of the remaining humanoid with a message on it:

Advice: How to Play the Game!
1. Pick a class! You're going to need to defend yourself.
2. Metagame! Just because your character doesn't know doesn't mean he can't make a lucky guess.
3. Beware the Gray Queen.

And after this last admonition is a symbol, in blue on the dark shade of the screen's back:

Full Immersion 7

1412 Wrote:Oh yeah. Some birds (owls) have some extra transparent eyelids so that they can clean debris out of their eyes without having to stop looking ahead.
Anyway, why don't we scout out to the east?
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:I agree, Rule Two right and even of those aren't people we might get spells.
Kíeros Wrote:> Let's go see the dead trees.
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Seconding Kieros
Spatra Wrote:> Revive trees.
Well, okay..both of those seem pretty risky, but at least the dead trees aren't boring. She flies down toward the "west", and makes somewhat of an awkward landing, going from a dive to frantically flapping her wings a few feet from the ground to being face-down, but unharmed, on the ground.

"Unf. I guess I need to practice landing." She pushes herself back up onto her feet and pauses, panting lightly. "Hff..whew. That was..quite a workout, actually." Once she has properly caught her breath, she walks forward into the dead woods, looking around.

The trees are leafless and dead, even some that appear to be evergreens. The ground starts out as a mixture of grass and strangely scorched bits, like the aftermath of a fire, and leans more toward the latter farther in. Other than the sound of the young woman's footsteps, the area is eerily quiet.

The silence doesn't bother her much at first, but after a minute or so of walking she starts to look more nervous and tense. She pauses, taking a deep breath. "Okay, I'm being silly. There's nothing here! I'd hear it if there was.

"...Maybe..I should come up with a good character name? Just in case I run into anybody. It'd be nice to have a name to RP with."


Full Immersion 6

1412 Wrote:Get hit by a weak spell cast by some noob.
Curris Wrote:Just enjoy the moment. Amazing! You're flying! Truly flying! You own this sky! Ignore any Daedalic warnings and soar to the highest you can achieve!
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:Explore surroundings
Kíeros Wrote:> Pay attention to your flying. You don't want to do something stupid, like dive into a tree, right?
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Be quiet! You don't want to attract the attention of anything until you find some party members.
She pulls up from the dive before getting anywhere near the ground, flapping back up into the air again, and then starts circling around, alternating climbing and falling so she can get a look at what's below. Man, you guys are no fun. Whoever you are. I'm freaking flying, for f***'s sake. Her eyes seem sharper than she remembers, picking up a better detail than normal human eyes should of the ground from above. So there's this grassy area with f*** all on it that I came from, and a forest over that way..I think I'll just call where the forest is 'north'. So then, mountains to the south, a bunch more boring grassland to the east, but I think there's some groups of people or animals or something over that way, and to the west..well, that looks sorta like a forest, except most of the trees are dead. Also I just noticed, I seem to have an extra pair of eyelids, except I can see through them? They closed when I started flying up.


Full Immersion 5

Beastnix Wrote:>well you can break the game now if you do it right
Curris Wrote:Get going -> Try to find an outpost of civilization. They might sell weapons there, or maps.
Consider if you feel hungry at all, or if food might not be a concern at all.
Kíeros Wrote:> See where skill points can be allocated.
Bakumaster Wrote:>Why don't you explore the menus a little more, and if not, choose a direction and walk(or fly) that way for a couple of hours.
 She shrugs. "I guess I can take another look."

The screen comes back to existence with a thought, and she taps the class button again. "You spend skill points to learn skills from the skill tree. I think the idea with the free points on Mimic Mage is so once I get hit by a low-level spell I can learn it and be able to fight, at least a little bit."
She taps another button, one that appears to have a long blank on it, and up comes a screen showing various stats, along with a winged-humanoid-body-shaped diagram. "I'm not sure how you improve stats, since it doesn't say anything here about level..apparently I have low strength, moderate agility and endurance, and mid-high intelligence. And, I guess that's how it shows injuries. A little overcomplicated, if you ask me, but I guess they wanted something more realistic than HP."
She points to a button that looks like an open envelope.
"That'll be messages. But I only have the one. And then.." She touches one more button, which has an image of a backpack on it. "Inventory. Like I thought, I have this robe-armor thing equipped and nothing else."

She dismisses the screen again, looking around. "Fly, huh? Well, these wings don't seem too much like decoration, and I know I can get myself off the ground. Maybe if I give it a running start.." She tenses up, then starts running straight ahead. After ten or so steps she starts flapping her wings as quickly as possible while jumping. After a brief struggle, she does start going up, and keeps going, making her way fairly far off the ground.

Once high enough in the air, she doesn't have to flap as much, instead spreading her wings and gliding forward. " don't believe this," she says with a wide grin. She turns her body downward and dives. "WOOOOOOOOOO!"


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Full Immersion 4

1412 Wrote:Monster mage. You aren't human currently, after all.
zodiacSynthesis Wrote:Trigonometrist or Mimic Mage.
Beastnix Wrote:>Your only chance is an optimized batman wizard, they are op
Curris Wrote:Mimic Mage sounds good. Versatility at the cost of a bit of suffering for your art.

Consider if you have any friends or recollections of a family nearby.
Bakumaster Wrote:Definitely triginometrist.
Kíeros Wrote:> Qi caster.
Raf0096 Wrote:>Mimic Mage
{Meta: Vote Count Ranking:
Mimic Mage: 3
Monster Mage: 1
Qi Caster: 1
Trigonometrist: 2 - 2 (character dispreference)}

"Oh, sure, Batman Wizard, yeah, that'll definitely turn up a result."

Batman Wizard (Interpreted as "The OP Class"): 1,000+ results found. As in, all of them. Refine your search, stupid.

She blinks a couple of times. "So..every class is OP, but the class descriptions..huh. That actually makes sense."

She then taps the old search for "Blue Mage", then the "Mimic Mage" result.
You have selected:
Mimic Mage
Confirm Selection?
[Yes] [No]

"'s gotta be better than the math class." She taps the "Yes" button, and the center of the screen shifts to a skill tree with individual box graphics for each skill. There are exactly two skills, one of which has level 1 already provided. Her clothes shift around, turning into something like a well-cut ankle-length robe crossed with leather armor. It seems designed to allow a certain freedom of movement while affording a small measure of protection, and it's designed to stay close enough to one's body as to not usually get caught on the things a less practical, more ornate robe might be.

She closes her eyes in a brief wince before opening them again. "That felt..weird." She taps the already-learned skill's button, and the lower middle section of the screen comes up with a lengthy description of the "Learn" skill. "Holy cr** that's a wall of text. I'm glad I know how to speed read...

"..So apparently I have to be hit by a spell to be able to learn it, but then I have to actually spend skill points to be able to cast the spell I've learned. The higher a spell's level, the higher a level with the Learn skill I have to have to be able to spend skill points to know how to cast it. At, which costs what looks like an ungodly amount of skill points to reach, I become able to learn things that aren't exactly spells using the learn skill. Before then, if I'm hit by one of those things I don't get a copy of it in the skill tree like I would a spell too powerful for the current level of Learn. And the other skill.."

She taps that one.

"It's called Mixture Magic. Oh, that's interesting. I can actually make new skills to spend points on out of skills I already know. Which means I could cross spells from two different kinds of mages. There's a bunch of rules on how it works...this skill's level has to be at least as high as the level of Learn needed to learn the higher level of the two spells being combined. And apparently the results of mixing the same pair of spells are different depending on the Mimic Mage doing the mixing."

She drops her hand and looks around again, the screen disappearing by a mental command. "And, this class doesn't come with any weapons. So..I don't have anything to defend myself with until I learn some spells. I did get a few free skill points, apparently.

"...I remember all of my friends and family. They're all back on Earth. They said they chose randomly from all over, so it's not likely any of them were brought up here to play this game...but..they might be depending on me. I've got to get going."


Full Immersion 3

Curris Wrote:Try Class: Animal Tamer.
Or Class: Monk?
Kíeros Wrote:> How about Trigonometry? That's always a good class.
zodiacSynthesis Wrote:>Class: First
Raf0096 Wrote:>Class: Blue Mage
armordude1 Wrote:Class : Flibbertigibbet (yes it's a real word; a foolish person, usually a woman)
Lonewolfeslayer Wrote:> Sencontroller ( Able to manipulate the life energies around you) Base on your character you can materialize your Sen, manipulate it or transform it.
"Well, it's a search engine, and nothing around here is attacking me yet, so I might as well browse around.."

She types in a pair of words, and taps the magnifying-glass button.

Animal Tamer: 2 results found.

It's fun having other creatures do all the work for you until they're all gone and you have no idea how to fend for yourself alone.

Learn all your skills from the animals. You know, the same creatures people kill and eat every day?

"..I guess whoever wrote these descriptions was in a really bad mood or something."

Monk: 5 results found.

Fist Monk:
Fight with your fists! It's not like weapons were invented for a reason or anything.

Staff Monk:
Sort of like a more stylized Fighter with a somewhat less deadly, more breakable weapon of choice.

Improv Monk:
For those who enjoy wielding tables and torches as weapons. Better keep some silverware handy on long trips.

White Monk:
Can't fight as well as a Fist Monk; can't heal as well as a Cleric; can't survive more than a few blows.

Zen Monk:
Really just a Fist Monk who doesn't understand how basic logic works. 'Mu', yourself!

"Okay, so maybe the idea was to make all the class descriptions useless and sarcastic as a..joke?"

Trigonometry: 1 result found.
Use triangle-based mathematics to fight. You're the one who thought to choose this class, so obviously you can figure out how to use it properly.

"I don't understand math. At all. So even if it's a great class in theory...this would be a really terrible choice for me."

First: No results. Try again, smart***.

"I wonder if it says that when I type in just random letters.."

Lkjdasfij: No results. Did you trip on your own fingers somehow?


Blue Mage: 2 results found.

Mimic Mage:
Learn magic by experiencing its effects for yourself. Good luck learning anything halfway powerful. Strange restrictions abound, by the way.

Monster Mage:
Wield the magic of monsters! You know, those creatures everybody hates and treat as pests for heroes to regularly exterminate.

Flibbertigibbit: 1 result found.

Chatterbox Fool:
More vocal and thus more annoying than your standard Fool; just as useless, if not worse, in most situations.

" you mean 'Shen'? Guess I'll see what happens if I type it your way.."

Sencontroller: 2 results found.
Spirit Caster:
Don't expect to be able to rip souls out of bodies until long after all of your enemies are utterly immune to that sort of thing.

Qi Caster:
Yeah, just keep telling yourself that technically you're not using magic, and I'm sure the enemy mage's wards will politely stop blocking your attacks.

"Well..I don't want to stand here all day, and some of these at least sound pretty cool. It saved a history of the searches, so I just need to go to a class and confirm I want to take it."


Full Immersion 2

Kíeros Wrote:> Realise that if input was not mentioned, then it's probably safer to assume that whatever is doing the inputting has it out for you, and you should trust nothing that you receive from an input.
Curris Wrote:Try to gain awareness of the surroundings through another sense different than sight. Can you smell the grassy field? How is the wind? Do you hear anything? Are you aware of your surroundings including what lie behind you, as though there were some form of mental map of the local area? Perhaps in the Upper Right quadrant of your brain?

Give wings experimental down flap. Do they feel like they put out enough thrust for flight?

The winged woman blinks and shakes her head, before taking a quick look around. Nobody there. "...I didn't think those voices sounded natural. I'm not even sure they were voices.."

She starts pacing around in roughly a circle, the floating screen following her movements exactly. "Well, whoever, or whatever you are..they didn't really have a lot of time to explain before we were all ushered into those pod things. So maybe they were just going over what's really important..

" there such a thing as an upper-right brain? I've heard of left-brained and right-brained..." She stops and tries closing her eyes for a moment. "Well, my wings are apparently really sensitive to the wind. It's blowing from behind." She tries unfurling her wings to their full length, which is significantly farther across than she is tall, and tries flapping them once. "Whoa!" She rises slightly off the ground, completely loses all sense of balance and tumbles forward, arms flailing, onto the grass again.
She gets up and brushes herself off, wondering how that was possible. Were the wings really that strong, or had she gotten lighter somehow? Hadn't she read somewhere that birds had hollow bones or something..?
"Ugh, whatever." She turns her attention back to the screen, to a particular panel which says "Class: NULL" and taps it. It moves to the center, becoming a large panel with an empty text box and a magnifying glass to the right of it up top, and a QWERTY keyboard below. "Need to pick a class.."


Full Immersion 1

Full Immersion

A young woman, about eighteen years of age, wakes up face down in a grassy field. She has straight, shoulder-length white hair, green eyes, is wearing some kind of tan tunic with a pair of slits in the back which allow a pair of large, gray-feathered wings through. She pushes herself up on one arm and looks around, stretching the wings a little bit.
There are a few things wrong with this picture, from her perspective. One: She does not recall ever having white hair. Bleaching has always seemed a rather strange option, honestly. Two: She does not recall having..wings? Is that what those are? She looks back, and observes that they are indeed wings. She stands up and attempts to get her bearings, but it truly appears to be some form of savannah: Grass on every horizon.
Suddenly something like a screen floating in midair appears before her, causing her to jump. It has very pixellated text boxes all over it. The main one is some form of message, the cause of the screen popping up in the first place. It says:

Protips: How to Win the Game!
1. Roleplay! Do not merely act--become.
2. Party up! Nobody survives alone.
3. Listen to the input! They know better than you.

She gazes at the message on the screen with mild confusion, and scratches her head. "..Input? They didn't say anything about that.."
